Friday, July 9, 2010


Ni Hao! I can’t believe tomorrow is already my 2-week mark in Taiwan! It has been nothing but crazy-busy days since we got here. Week 1 was our “acclamation.” We spent a lot of time biking around the city, recovering from culture shock and jetlag, adjusting to the heat and humidity, getting settled in our new home, training, training and training. Oh, did I mention that we had A LOT of training?! Week 2 was our first week of teaching. I think all of the new teachers are very relieved to check that one off the list…it was super-stressful! It’s definitely going to be a challenge working with the differences in the education system and methodology here, but my students are the cutest kids I’ve ever seen in my life and I love them already! Here are some of the highlights from my adventure so far:

I woke up around 5 AM the first morning...this is the view from our rooftop!

Our main source of transportation for the next 6 months...traffic here is CRAZY!

We found this little waterfall on our hike.


We biked to the cultural center, and these ladies were doing Tai Chi. We stopped to watch and they kinda laughed at us and motioned for us to join we did!

So, the hospital was quite the adventure...the waiting area is like 2 feet from these little desks where they take your blood. We had quite the audience watching all us crazy Americans!

Haha, and then we had to change into these lovely robe things to get X-rays!

Libby and I enjoying our first taste of REAL Chinese food...delicious.

Me n Erin at the morning market

Another morning bike ride...woot!

We rode over this sweet bridge and into a tunnel through the mountain!

Bing Sha time! This shop is just around the corner from our school, and I LOVE it! Mango-strawberry, pineapple, kiwi-banana, passion fruit, you name it...they're like smoothies from heaven!

Sunset from the rooftop...amazing!

Asian pose...

There are some pretty exciting flowers around here!

We call this place "Zen Park"

Me n Meg playing at the park!

Downtown Feng Yuan, at one of the many neighborhood temples

First day of school pic...just for you, Mom ;-)


  1. Kristi - I love all your pictures and I love the descriptions you put after each one. Your hair looks great. So glad you are having fun!! Way to have a smoothie shop just around the corner!

  2. Hahaha! Oh I love you Kristi! These pictures are great! (Especially the spider ones... Yuck!) And I agree with your family, your hair looks great. :)
