Saturday, July 10, 2010

Spider Saturday!

To say that today was an adventure would be a serious understatement! It all began when we found a cockroach in the bathroom this morning. Meg was extremely brave...she chased it and caught it, Erin took pictures, I stood in the hall and screamed. We named him Frankie. After some grocery shopping, biking around the city, and lunch, we decided one crazy creature was not enough for the day and headed up the mountain. You may or may not be aware of my lifelong hatred and fear of arachnids. I'm still not quite sure what possessed me to knowingly tromp around looking for giant spiders...but tromp I did! The pictures and videos don't show how truly disgusting these things are, but they'll at least give you the basic idea. Enjoy!
Meg, Kristi, Frankie

Frankie's Home

Me and Libby...super excited for our encounters...

Meg, me, Erin...I really am not sure how I was smiling at this point in my life!

It felt like we were walking through a movie set, check out those palm trees! The "jungle" is seriously beautiful, as long as you don't think about the spiders!

This was one of the smaller ones hanging behind me...I was just a little scared to get too close.






This one was insanely was on its web in the trees above us.

Good times in Taiwan!

Of course, we finished off the day with a bing sha! This is the cute couple who work in the shop down the street, Jenna and "Hello Kitty!"

Meet Frankie

Farewell Frankie

Jungle Spiders!


  1. Kristi Lee I can't believe you actually were taking pictures of all these spiders. You really are facing your fears. I am praying that you don't run into any of them unexpectantly during the next six months. They really are GROSS!!!!!

  2. AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! Your Taiwanese spiders are terrifying!!! I'm not kidding you, I was actually screaming and waving my arms about like a maniac!!!! You are a much braver person than I! Please be safe! Lol!!

  3. What are you thinking... actually feeding those dreaded spiders to make them even bigger and stronger????? Starving them out would be a much better option in my opinion! And why are you wearing flip flops and shorts???? Shoes and long pants sound like a much more sensible option to me when hiking through gargantuate arachnid country. Are you CRAZY? Love, your ever loving and over protective favorite auntie, Karen

  4. P.S. Sleep with a baseball bat under your bed.

    P.P.S. I love your blog!
