Saturday, August 7, 2010

Modern Toilet!

While I am an avid supporter of modern toilets and in general choose to wait until I find one rather than using a squatter like the locals, that is not what this post is about. The Modern Toilet is, in fact, a restaurant! We ate at this crazy-hilarious place while visiting Taichung last weekend.
Welcome to the Modern Toilet!

Some of the tables have sinks, ours had a bathtub!

My toilet.

A view of the hallway...

Check out all the crazy toilet seats! And yes, the wall says TOILET.

Dessert served in a squatter!

Whitney's meal in a toilet bowl

Me and Libby's meal in a bathtub

Have you ever eaten ice cream out of a mini squatter? Because I have.

There are many things I love about this mural, the top two being the hilarious pictures, and the fact that they are in rainbow order!

Me and Meg chillin on the sparkly gold toilet seats

1 comment:

  1. This is so very disturbing! But awesome. I'm glad you embraced it. I can imagine you had to keep reminding yourself the toilets were unused. And, I too love rainbow order.
